Nutrition and Weight Loss
The foundation of our nutrition and weight loss program is education. We emphasize a whole foods approach to diet, eliminating fake and processed foods. We encourage a plant slant meaning we strive for a high fruit and vegetable content to support a high vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant intake.
Nutrition Education Courses:
8 Week Course:
Session 1: Weight as a health problem, measuring body fat, BMI, waist circumference, Macro vs Micro nutrients
Session 2:
12 Week Course:
Session1: Intro, weight as a health problem, measuring body fat, BMI, waist circumference, stages of change
Session 2: Macro vs Micro nutrients, reading nutrition labels, serving sizes, food guide pyramid, food dairy, meal planning, goal setting
Session 3: Facts, Myths, and Half-Truths of Nutrition, Blue Zones
Session 4: Benefits of Exercise, Types of Muscles, Types of Exercise, Counting Steps