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Nutrition Education Course

Nutritional food for heart health wellness by cholesterol diet and healthy nutrition eating with clean fruits and vegetables in heart dish by nutritionist

Thrive Wellness is happy to announce we will be starting a Nutrition Education Course on March 18th at 10:30 am and 6:00 pm.

What:  8 week Nutritional Education Course

When: Monday 10:30 am OR 6pm starting the week of March 18th

Cost: $25 per person per class ($200 total)

$45 per couple per class ($180 total)

Or $175 per person paid upfront

Where: Thrive Wellness

1821 W. Main St.

Richmond, IN  47374


Course Info

This is a one-hour course with food sampling and question/answers afterwards. Each person will receive a notebook with the course handouts at each session.  This course is for the purpose of education as well as accountability for those wanting to lose weight.  Those wanting to be held accountable for weight loss will be scheduled to have weight and body measurements done at the beginning and end of the course.  Weekly weigh-ins will also be done. Having an accountability partner with you at the course is also beneficial.

Course sessions include: weight as a health problem, macro/micro-nutrients, reading nutrition labels, meal planning, facts/myths/half truths of nutrition, simple/complex carbohydrates, fiber, whole grains, fats, omega-3’s/omega-6’s, protein needs, benefits of exercise, fruits, veggies, antioxidants and much more!

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